Ignite Blog

Our CBD & hemp experts have answers to questions you didn’t even know you had. Check out our blog and learn more!

A Wealth of Knowledge Awaits

CBD Topicals – What Are Your Options and How Do They Work?

There are many different ways to use cannabidiol, or CBD, and this powerful compound is making its way into hundreds of consumer products. You’ve probably seen CBD tinctures, CBD edibles, and even smokable CBD flower, but have you tried a CBD topical yet? These are...

What to Look For in a Good Cigar

Shopping for a quality cigar can be quite intimidating, even if you’ve been in the market a while. With dozens of different styles, origins, flavor profiles, and shapes, cigars are an art in and of themselves. When you are shopping for a cigar, whether for yourself or...

CBD Flower – How Is It Different from Marijuana?

If you are new to the world of CBD, hemp, and medical marijuana, all the different products and terms can be quite confusing. There is a world of potential in these types of goods, but it’s important to educate yourself a bit first so you know which options will give...

CBD Pet Products 101

When you have a pet, you’ll go to the ends of the earth to make sure they’re cared for. Your furry companion deserves to be happy and healthy, just like you do. Thankfully, there are more and more ways to care for your pet, including CBD products. If you are curious...

Effects of Delta-8 THC: What To Expect And How To Dose

Effects of Delta-8 THC: What To Expect And How To Dose

Are you curious about trying delta-8 THC***, but not sure what to expect? You’re not alone. This relative newcomer to the scene is quickly gaining popularity for its milder, legal high, but taking it is not the same as consuming whole cannabis or CBD products. The...

Spotlight on Delta-8 THC: How Is It Different From Delta-9?

Spotlight on Delta-8 THC: How Is It Different From Delta-9?

In the world of cannabinoids, it seems like we’re learning more every day and more people are becoming curious about what these plant compounds can offer them. While tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are probably the most recognizable and most widely...

Find A Store Near You

Ignite Dispensary is an all-inclusive dispensary for Hemp, CBD, tobacco, cigar, hookah and vapor products. Our flagship location in Spooner, WI was established in 2016, and we’ve expanded to Hayward, Superior, Milwaukee, Manitowoc, and New Richmond, WI, as well as Bismarck, ND.